Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This is what you do when cereal is on sale at your local Harmons...

-You take your son for muscle strength (or at least that is what I told him :)
-Tell him he can pick 20 boxes of whatever he wants from the sale display. He thought this was so cool to load the cart with so much cereal.
-Take him and cereal home and let him do whatever he wanted with the boxes until I put them away tomorrow.

* By the way I got 20 boxes of cereal, 5 boxes of fruit snacks, a gallon of milk and some sugar wafers for $35. Yahoo!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quotable Quotes

Conversations with my kids in the last week...

Lizzie- "Life sure would be boring without sugar." Yes, she is definitely my child.

Lilly (after a rainstorm)- "Mom, the leaves are wet, let's get some paper towels."

Lilly (after I presented fish for dinner) "Yuck fish!! Humans don't eat fish, cats eat fish mom."

Also if Lilly wants to show you something she will say "Come check it out."

All day long I get the pleasure (sarcastic smile here) of hearing these words even if I leave the room for five seconds, five minutes, five hours, well you get the point. "MOOOOOOOOOMMMMM, WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Black and White

Latest installment of our spring black and white pictures...

Ethan- Age 9

Lizzie - Age 7

Afton - Age 3

Lilly- Age 3

Me and the two adorable girls that keep me company while Jim is at work and Ethan and Lizzie are at school.