Monday, December 31, 2012

Favorites things of 2012

Here are a few of my favorite things from 2012...

1.  The Voice-  I like to watch this show when I remember it is on.  It is a pretty family friendly show until some of the commercials come on.  Darn commercials! 
The Voice - Latest Videos
2.  Our Best Bites-
Every recipe I have tried on both their blog and in their cookbooks have been delicious, easy and made with real ingredients.   I have re-newed and re-checked them out from the library so many times I was starting to feel I had my own copy.  Luckily I got the first cookbook for Christmas.  Yeah!
check out our cookbooks

3.  Savers
Savers - Good deeds. Great deals.
I have never been a big fan of the DI although I know there are good treasures there to be found. I do shop a lot at Kid to Kid for my kids though.
Savers is a very happy medium between the 2 places. In only 2 times of being there (both in December) we have spent over $130. Which in Savers dollars is A LOT of stuff :)

4.  Outliers- One of my favorite books from 2012.  It it  one of those books that I was still thinking about more than 2 weeks later.
Outliers: The Story of Success

5.  Kosher Salt- I know it may seem like a weird thing to like but it really makes a difference on your food and it just makes food taste that much better.

Product Details

6.  A Fine Frenzy and Plumb-
 new music that I have found on Pandora.  Yeah!!!

 Product Details  Product Details

Plus for the first time ever I will be posting and sharing my New Year's Resolutions. 
 So drum roll please....

1.  No Carbonated drinks for a year-  this one will be the hardest for me.  I will be relishing every last sip  of my Coke today :)
2.  Write in Journal once a week.  I was tremendously good at this for over 20 years.  Since the twins were born I have lacked.  I want to get back into the habit because there are too many precious moments I don't want to forget. 
3.  Update all four kids baby books.  Well actually mostly Afton and Lilly's.  They need some documentation from the first 4 (almost 5) years of their life. I have all the important info, papers, little booties, hospital bracelets,  drawings, etc. in a big bin and just need go through it and put into baby books.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Small glimpse of Christmas....

Picture of our children in their Christmas Pajamas. 
 Sometimes it is just impossible to get a good picture of all four. 
This was one of those times.
 At least this one shows a bit of each of their personalities :)

This is how Santa sets things up.
3 presents for each child with their stocking right next to them.
This year he threw in a couple Barbies for each of the girls too.


Well it looks like Lilly could have just got some Christmas M&M's and been set.....  She seriously got so excited over each one of her presents.  It was adorable.
Santa still brought her....
 - Belle and Tiana Barbie Princess dolls
- Disney Just Dance
- 4 Strawberry Shortcake dolls

She is at such a fun age.  And somehow in just the past few weeks she has gotten even more beautiful and photogenic.....  I keep catching myself looking at her realizing how fast she is growing up on us.
 Santa brought Lizzie....
- Squinkie Adventure Mall Surprise
- Mini American Girl Doll named Elizabeth
- Ariel, Rapunzel and Snow White Barbie princess dolls

The one boy in the family got plenty of Legos, Tic Tacs, and games.  He was one happy kid.  He also had all 3 of his Lego sets built by 11:00 Christmas morning.
 Santa brought Ethan....
- Lego Star Wars Tie Fighter set
- Angry Birds Star Wars calendar (hidden in a pair of pants)
- Wii Sports Resort and Wii Lego Pirates of the Carribean

This girl was so happy with her sunglasses.  Funny how the little things really make them so happy.  She has also been carrying around a Christmas Box my parents gave her filled with Christmas presents.
Santa brought Afton....
- Cinderella and Merida Barbie Princess dolls
- Cinderella on DVD
- Lego Friends (Olivia's Treehouse)- or as Afton likes to call them- Girl Legos

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Harrison Nativity 2012

The Harrison's had their annual Christmas Party. 
 It was amazing how well the grandkids did the Nativity this year. 
  Good job everyone! 
The actors in the "green room" before it started

Some of the audience ready for the performance.

Ethan with his sheep.  Not sure why one looks so terrified :)
Sheperds with their flock

"Come let us adore him (or her)"

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Snow Day

Here are a couple pictures from our last snow storm.....
Lilly Bill



Working Together
 (miracles do happen :))

Monday, December 17, 2012


I'll watch over you while you sleep....

If you watch over me while I sleep.

Both Lilly and Afton have not felt well the past couple days.  Lilly is almost over it but Afton is still trying to get better.  Whenever I put her on the couch Lucky lays next to her.  It is so sweet.

- 3 years ago today we brought home a dirty, smelly dog  from the Humane Society.  What a good dog he has become. 
After a 7 day "see if he will fit with your family" stint we officially adopted him on Christmas Eve. 

 Nice to have you be part of our family Lucky!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Here are a few things we have been doing waiting for Christmas to come....

For Family Home Evening we acted out the Nativity.
 Lilly took the role of Mary with extra pride.

Falling asleep under the Christmas tree. 
Probably one of the best spots to be in December.

Showing off the Holiday artwork you have made in pre-school.

Playing in the huge box and with all the paper that one of Jim's presents came in.

 We went and bought 12 dougnuts for this special day!
 Afton really likes the chocolate frosting!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Prep

Seriously, how can it already be December? Time goes much too quickly.

Now we gear up for the Christmas season.......

I usually try to have everything done and bought by the end of November. Not this year. We were busy planning and enjoying our family vacation and just busy with other things. Needless to say I only started Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Thank goodness for internet shopping.

I am grateful for the ages my children are at. Their lists are fairly simple and Christmas is still magical. They have not yet asked Santa or parents for any high-tech (aka expensive) gadgets or presents - for which I appreciate very much.

As of today-
  • Our trees and Christmas decorations are up. This is the first year we have two trees. One on our main floor and one in the basement.
Here is the tree in our front room.
  Having a red room looks extra awesome
 with Christmas decorations :)
  • Tradition of pajamas and Caldecott books have been bought and wrapped for each child.
  • 24 Christmas books have been wrapped to be unwrapped each day and read together.

  • Have on good authority Santa has (almost) picked out the 3 presents for each child and most of those presents are ready to go. He is having a little trouble picking out 1 more present for a 10 year old boy but I am sure he will pull through by Christmas Eve.
  •  Lucky has also found his usual spot under the tree. We have to keep a space cleared for him at all times.

Here is to a busy, magical, beautiful month ahead. 
 Happy Holidays!