Wednesday, April 22, 2009

There is only one Lizzie

Since I am way too far behind on our photo album I thought I would document a few things on our blog before I forget. Here are some cute Liz happenings.

I happened to go into their room one day after asking them to clean it up. Well I found this going on in her dollhouse. When I asked what he was doing she said "Well watching conference you silly!" Of course!!! Why didn't I think of that?

Jim has also decided that he wants to save up to buy a horse (not sure how serious this is:). He told Liz this who of course is gung ho on the idea since she loves horses. She hates ALL dogs but loves horses. Go figure. Anyways, now whenever Jim leaves for work Liz says- "You go earn some nickels Daddy so we can save up for our real horse!" I just think it is hilarious!

Also I am happy to report I just wrote our the last check for Lizzie's pre-school. Yahoo!!! No more paying for pre-school for awhile. We have been writing checks since Ethan was 3. Yes, I know in a short 2 1/2 years we will be paying TWO times the amount but for now it feels so nice!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


This weekend was our week of running and it was not just because of the half marathon. We were on a constant go from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening. It was a weekend of so many emotions. Here is a brief re-cap-

Ethan's friend Party-

On Friday afternoon we had a joint party for Ethan and another boy in our neighborhood. They both turn 7 on April 18th. We had an archelogical dig in the sands of Egypt (or our sandbox) and then a scavenger hunt where they had to use each of their clues to figure out the final clue which was a gold treasure box with their take home goodies. It was fun to see kids be kids.

Right after that Jim and I dropped all four of our kids off at Jim's parents house for a sleepover. It was the babies first time away. Although Lilly did not sleep much -I think it went for the most part okay. When we jumped from two kids to four with the arrival of babies it is a little bigger of a task to ask others to watch your kids (espcically when two of them are only 1 years old) We really appreciate it.

Next we went to the viewing for our friend. We waited in line for over 2 1/2 hours. It just shows you how many people loved Chris and his family. We were going to go to Noodles afterwords for our carb load but it was closed. We got home at 10:30 went to bed at 11 and woke up at 5.

Half Marathon

All I can say is how proud I am of Jim. He finished!!!! Our official time was 2 hours 35 minutes and 24 seconds. I stayed with Jim the whole time since I have been his "trainer" since December and thought it would be pretty mean to get him into this thing and not stay. I will do another one later and try to do it in less than 2 hours. He only has like 3 blisters and can barely move today but he did it!. He was so excited when he crossed the finish line. As of yesterday Jim says he is never going to run again in his life :)

After that we went to the funeral for our friend. Jim and I were talking and if we can live our life 1/10 of how Chris did.... he loved and embraced life!! It was amazing to be there. His family (especially my friend Michelle and her 3 cute young kids) are going to need lots of thoughts and prayers their way.

Right after than we had to run to Costco because I still hadn't gotten any food for Ethan's family party. We got home like 20 minutes before the party was starting.

Ethan's birthday

How can our Ethan be 7 years old!!! He is an amazing kid with so many admirable qualities. He is so patient (which I am assuming will come in handy with 3 sisters) and he is always looking out for others. We love him so much and am so grateful for our son! It was actually nice weather and we had a BBQ. He loves all of his gifts. And they have all been put to use (I promise!!) They were all perfect. Thank you so much for coming to help us celebrate his birthday.

Needless to say after the party Jim and I were in bed by 9 and asleep by 9:30. As a post script here is a picture of how I found Jim this morning :) Why do we have to have a house with so many stairs :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

It was a fun Easter with our 4 kids. I had all the girls in matching outfits which I might add I found for $5 each at Target!!! Yahoo!! Jim and Ethan wore their matching ties they got for Christmas and I wore purple so I could attempt to blend in with the girls. Afton and Lilly just sat on the grass for the Easter egg hunt while Ethan add Lizzie found the "colors" assigned to each person.

*On another note we found out one of our friends died on Saturday. He was the dad of one of Ethan's best friends. Amazing family that needs thoughts and prayers. He left behind the sweetest/ nicest wife and mother and three kids much too young to have to say goodbye to their dad. He was Jim's age. We used to live a couple houses down from his sister and her family when we lived in Sugarhouse also. Make sure you give extra hugs and kisses to those you love.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

For Val...

This one is for Val. I promised her I would send some pictures her way of the cutest things she made for my girls. Well 2 1/2 months later I thought the only way to redeem myself was to put them on the blog so all can see her talent :0

For Lizzie's birthday she made her a cute little apron. Val was nice enough to make matching for me and the babies. Now me and my 3 girls can cook in STYLE!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

running updates

As of yesterday we have two weeks to go to the Salt Lake Half Marathon. I am excited for Jim to experience it for the first time. For March- despite shin splints and feet issues Jim managed to run 39.75 miles. I ran 54 miles for the month. Yesterday was the 10 mile run. It was too cold outside (we are pansies if it is less than 50 degrees) and so we ended up running on our treadmill. You just put a good movie on with subtitles, turn on the MP3 player and go for it. We can now say we ran 10 miles. Yahoo!!!