Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Ladies

Afton age 2

Lilly age 2

Lizzie age 6

*Check out the following post for a picture of "The Boy"

Monday, March 29, 2010


It really seems impossible that this boy is old enough to be getting baptized soon. We took a few (okay a lot) of pictures of him in his "suit" to start getting invitations ready for his upcoming baptism.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two by Two

Happy Birthday Afton and Lilly!!!

Here are some fun facts about these now two year olds....

-Lilly is really into saying "Thank you" when you give her something.
-Afton's shoe size is a full size to a size and a half larger than Lilly's (size 4 1/2 and 6). And yes, Afton really is that much taller (in the close up picture)
-Afton is our cuddler and will always give hugs and kisses.
-At bedtime Afton likes to sleep with her "baby doll" and Lilly her etch a sketch.
- Afton is our first child that likes to draw on walls.
- Lilly is really into coloring and is currently taking lessons from Lizzie.
- In temperment Afton and Ethan are very similar while Lilly and Lizzie are very similar.
- Lilly always calls Afton "Baby" even though Afton is three minutes older.
- They LOVE Elmo,The Count, cookies, crackers, apples and Star Wars music.

Although this age is very busy, curious, etc. I love the fact that they learn new things EVERY DAY.

Happy Birthday beautiful girls. It took a lot to get you here but I am so grateful for the chaos,mess,noise, fun and love you have brought into this family.

Friday, March 12, 2010

One horn or two?

Afton and Lilly are finally getting enough hair that I can attempt to do things. They have two choices right now of hair do's (when I do it.)

ONE HORN- Just picture Cindy Lou Who
TWO HORNS- See Lilly demonstrating in picture below.

Right now they think it is fun to get their hair done and will come into the bathroom, tip their head down and let me girly them up. They like the idea of ribbons also.
Lilly takes her ponytails out very quickly (within like 5 minutes). Her hair looks like it will be a light brown color.
Afton leaves them in and has a lot of curl to her hair which is so fun to see. Her hair color seems to be a mix of dark blonde and light brown (dishwasher blonde is what comes to mind but that just doesn't sound very pretty does it?).

Afton would not hold still for a picture thus she doesn't get to be in this blog post :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Freeze time

There are moments that I really wish I could put in a bottle and then when I have a bad day or want to remember my family at certain ages I could just pull it out and relive that moment over and over again. Yes, I know Dumbledore might be able to help me out with that one :)

Yesterday was one of those days. Both Jim and I were sick so we stayed home with all four kids. In between trying to rest to get better, we spent the day cuddled on our bed watching Olympics, Living Scripture videos and playing card games. Around 2 PM we decided to go on a Sunday drive which turned into a pre-spring exploration walk (I am married to Jim :) It was perfect and kids, dog and parents loved being outside. One of those perfect moments I don't want to let go of.