Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Small glimpse of Christmas....

Picture of our children in their Christmas Pajamas. 
 Sometimes it is just impossible to get a good picture of all four. 
This was one of those times.
 At least this one shows a bit of each of their personalities :)

This is how Santa sets things up.
3 presents for each child with their stocking right next to them.
This year he threw in a couple Barbies for each of the girls too.


Well it looks like Lilly could have just got some Christmas M&M's and been set.....  She seriously got so excited over each one of her presents.  It was adorable.
Santa still brought her....
 - Belle and Tiana Barbie Princess dolls
- Disney Just Dance
- 4 Strawberry Shortcake dolls

She is at such a fun age.  And somehow in just the past few weeks she has gotten even more beautiful and photogenic.....  I keep catching myself looking at her realizing how fast she is growing up on us.
 Santa brought Lizzie....
- Squinkie Adventure Mall Surprise
- Mini American Girl Doll named Elizabeth
- Ariel, Rapunzel and Snow White Barbie princess dolls

The one boy in the family got plenty of Legos, Tic Tacs, and games.  He was one happy kid.  He also had all 3 of his Lego sets built by 11:00 Christmas morning.
 Santa brought Ethan....
- Lego Star Wars Tie Fighter set
- Angry Birds Star Wars calendar (hidden in a pair of pants)
- Wii Sports Resort and Wii Lego Pirates of the Carribean

This girl was so happy with her sunglasses.  Funny how the little things really make them so happy.  She has also been carrying around a Christmas Box my parents gave her filled with Christmas presents.
Santa brought Afton....
- Cinderella and Merida Barbie Princess dolls
- Cinderella on DVD
- Lego Friends (Olivia's Treehouse)- or as Afton likes to call them- Girl Legos

1 comment:

valerie said...

It looks like Christmas was a success! I have to admit, I am a little addicted to girl legos myself. :)