Sunday, January 6, 2008


In December we got bunkbeds for Ethan and Lizzie. We moved Lizzie over to Ethan's room and they will share for awhile and we will put the babies together in Lizzie's old room. In 2 or 3 years we will change the arrangement when and if Ethan is ready to have a room in the basement. Anyways, Jim made a huge fort out of the boxes from the bunkbeds. The kids think it is just the coolest thing. They decorated it with markers and crayons. It even has doors and windows too. Just to explain Lizzie's attire, the kids have taken to wearing Jim's t-shirts to bed instead of their pajamas. They even pick his t-shirts over princess and Lightning McQueen pajamas.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better. I worry about you!!! I'm also glad to see that my kids aren't the only ones that wear their daddies shirts to bed. :0)