Sunday, October 9, 2011


I can now officially say I am a marathon runner :)

On Oct. 8th I ran the Layton marathon. Here is a very brief rundown of my experience.

Here I am getting ready to get on the bus that took us to Antelope Island. It was 4:30 in the morning.

Miles 1-10- You get to run along the edge of Antelope Island. It was beautiful. I felt awesome with my running pace.

Miles 10-17- Running on the causeway. Great Salt Lake on both sides it was beautiful and I still felt really good.

Miles 17-26. Running through Layton. This was about time my MP3 player decided to break. It was also the time when the last 9 miles were very hard for me. Coincidence? I am going to say yes and that music was the one and only reason those last 9 were so hard. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I was physically and mentally exhausted :)

Mile 20ish. I was dying but tried to look cool for a picture.

Best part was at the end when I crossed the finish line and the announcer boomed out "Alisha Harrison completed a full marathon!!!" Jim got it on video but I won't bore you with it unless you request.
Here I am with my new necklace. MY FIRST MARATHON!

All in all it was a good, hard experience. I was so tired those last few miles but kept going. It felt good to finish after all these months of building up to it.

Many, many thanks to my awesome husband who put up with all my runs for the past few months, always supported me, even rode his bike beside me for the 16, 19 and 20 mile training runs, came up to Layton with me and cheered me on those last hard miles.


David and Jana said...

Way to go Alisha! So proud of you. I have got to follow your example and get my marathon done.

Emily said...

Congratulations!!! That is wonderful! Any plans to do another :)

Jody Neeley said...

Way to go Alisha! You are amazing!

M. Harrison said...

wow! I can't believe that you did that, it is awesome!! That is definitely a lot of dedication and hard work. Way to go!

valerie said...

Congratulations! I can't believe you didn't mention that at lunch...I admire you!

the Kates said...