Friday, March 8, 2013


Here are a few random things we have been doing the past couple weeks while we wait for spring so we can get outside more.....

We go to the library once a week.
 The girls love these little nooks to read their books in.

Lots of reading goes on at home too.
 Ethan has even been known to try to set the table while reading a book!

This is how the girls do Play-Doh.
 They make dresses for their Polly Pockets :)

Afton testing out her musical abilities at Thanskgiving Point

Even after my kids move out I am sure I will still be able to remember the sound
of them rummaging through the big bin of legos looking for "that perfect piece."

My view every Tuesday night for the next 6 weeks
 as I watch  Lizzie in ice skating lessons.

Speaking of Ice Skating....  We went as a family last Tuesday night after Lizzie's lessons.  It was such a fun night.  The girls did awesome but I was most impressed with how helpful Ethan and Lizzie were with the girls.

Sometimes they are just adorable!!!
Ethan helping Lilly

Lilly would keep saying.... "I'm skating!!!!!"
or "I'm going to fall on my butt!"  over and over again. 
*Bonus points to those that notice that yes, Afton and Lilly are still wearing dresses every day.  We are going on 3 months plus of this.  I made them put pants on under their dress for ice skating though :)

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