Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December randomness

I swear every year December goes by faster and faster..... 
Here is a little bit of what we have been up to.

Advent calendar and Christmas books are ready to go.....

Festival of Trees with Jim

The last two weeks of November and the first two of December
had ALOT of volleyball.  So glad Ethan was
able to do that.  He did great and it was so
fun to watch him improve his game.

His team and coach

There was a Wednesday night both Ethan and Lizzie were
at a youth activity so we took the girls out to eat. 
Jim snapped this picture coming back from the restroom.

There was one Saturday in December Jim and I realized (yet again) we have a pretty awesome son.  He had a volleyball tournament from like 8 to 4:30.  We came home and while he was showering I checked the mail to find out he had made Honor Roll.  Then we were off to his Christmas piano recital.  Music, sports, academics, kind, patient, the list goes on and on.   We are very lucky!

Helping Grandma H. decorate her tree.

Cousin time! 
There was a Wednesday night we were able to watch the triplets for a few hours.

Luckily for my sanity we still do Friday night pizza night in December

Lizzie's band concert and matching shirt night for Jim and his dad :)

8 year old Christmas artwork is the best!

Where you can find Lucky 95% of the time in December

Family night to Voice Male Christmas concert

The start of Christmas break means turning off alarm clocks!!!!  Yeah!

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