Wednesday, July 9, 2008

a house divided

So our house has now become split up into the "kids" and "babies " group. I realize I have not talked much about the "kids" in our household.

I have become addicted lately to this game called Zuma. Even though I have a huge pile of wash, thank you cards to write, a photo album to catch up, and a million other things- I play this dumb game a lot more than I should. I don't know if it was good or bad that I didn't have this game while on bedrest. Anyways, yesterday I was playing and Ethan was watching. I was almost going to die (in the game) and was saying "Uh, Oh, Ethan!!!!!" My cute little son's response was "You know how good you are. Just be yourself." Words for your whole life not just for Zuma :)

Lizzie is going to be great at answering questions once she gets to seminary. Each night we try to read scriptures as a family and ask the kids what they learned. Lizzie's response always rotates between Jesus, the gospel, be good or tree of life. Correct but .......Despite these brief answers, Lizzie has an amazing vocabulary and I am always amazed at the words or phrases that come out of her mouth. The other night she said "I will yell you awake mom." Tonight for dinner prayer she told Heavenly Father that she was grateful there were no poisonous tree frogs that live by us. I have no idea where she got that from. She is doing AMAZING with her glasses and I think she looks so cute with them. She still likes to pretend to be a cat and just now told me she was going to the litter box aka bathroom.

Both of the kids have started swim lessons and now think their clothes for the day should just be a swimsuit. Oh, to be a kid in the summer......

Afton and Lilly are doing great. They are almost 3 1/2 months old. They get so many loves and entertainment from their brother and sister. They love to smile and coo. They really like the fan in mine and Jim's room and I think once they figure out how to laugh that will be the first thing a real live laugh will be for. They go crazy in excitement watching it.

*Lilly is in the pink and Afton in the purple.


J-Meg said...

I just loved what Ethan said. It's clear that he has great parents that has taught him how to be so encouraging. Lizzie is such a character and so sweet. She practically comes with a laugh track. Of course, I can't say enough how beautiful Afton and Lilly are. All your children are just truly wonderful gifts.

katierose said...

ok, so you have the cutest family! i love how encouraging and adult-like ethan is! and lizzie acting like a cat just cracks me up. mia is totally into cats right now too. she told me yesterday that her best friend is licorice (her grandparent's cat). lilly and afton are getting so big! they are gorgeous just like the rest of their family :). love you!!!

Ruth said...

Back online!! I think those comments are hilarious! Lizzie's prayer wasn't so shocking as Ethan's famous primary prayer...