Thursday, June 4, 2009

Will I miss it?

So I will just ramble a bit today......

Will there ever be a day when I miss-

- that my wash to be folded pile seems to mulitply like the noodles in Strega Nona

- that there are fingerprints all over various locations in my house that show my children's different heights.

-hearing "I'm hungry" and the other favorite "I have nothing to do" too many times a day.

-not having a chance to sit down and really "breath" until after the kids are in bed

- all this noise

-feeling like I am falling behind on EVERYTHING

-reading Lizzie's favorite book at least 10 times in a week (current favorite is Meet Strawberry Shortcake.)

-having two babies hold onto my pant legs so that I can't move

-working my butt off to get the house clean only to have it last for 5 minutes

- having something that would normally take me 15 minutes take like an hour with all four kids around

Yeah, I know one day I will miss all that. Well maybe not the wash but everything else. When the babies were born I felt a strong sense of completeness and not just in our numbers. I feel right now is such a gift and this is my life. I have never been happier, more tired, overwhelmed and at peace as much as I am now. I know that makes absolutely no sense but it makes sense to me.

I have to keep reminding myself that there are seasons to everything and this is NOT my season to keep a clean house, and many, many other things. It is my time to enjoy these four precious souls and one amazing husband that I have.

Here are some recent pictures of what we have been up to- Afton and Lilly have learned to eat popsicles and that they really like them, Lizzie graduated from pre-school, and Ethan is enjoying baseball season with his friend Jack.


Liz said...

This one is my favorite: "-having two babies hold onto my pant legs so that I can't move". And I'm sure you will miss it. Thanks for the pictures; I'm missing my kids lately. :(

Jody Neeley said...

I loved your post, so true! I agree, the most important thing is to soak up the kids, it won't last long! I also feel stressed and overwhelmed with too much to do. Thanks for the reminder of the sweet little things each day brings. :)