Thursday, May 28, 2009


So yesterday Ethan let me know that he won't do the swings at school anymore because if you "match" up with someone on the swings (going the same pace) that means you are married. I started telling this to Jim and he finished the "getting married" part. I guess this fun story tradition has been going at least since Jim was in school. Ah, the fun traditions in school. Ethan has also been told to watch out because there are ghosts in the bathroom and writing will appear on the mirrors. I think the older kids like to tell the younger kids and then some of the 1st graders think it is cool to tell everyone else, some get really freaked out by it and some just don't care. Luckily, Ethan knows that one is just nothing to worry about. "Mom, I know that one is not real."

Such fun things to experience once your kids are out of your fishbowl.


Stacey said...

Marriage by swings was also a popular myth at my elementary school...ah, back in the good 'ol days. :)

So if he knows the ghost story is not true, does that really mean he believes the swing story?

Liz said...

Sigh, the swings. I think I tried to work my way into being near the boys I liked so I could "accidentally" be married. The bathroom thing freaked me out...still does.
ps-there was also a popular idea of "being in my toilet" if one was swinging the same as you. Yikes, I don't even want to know...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe these little traditions are still going!!!