I thought while I am thinking about it I will put a little post about Afton and Lilly. These two babies (or I mean girls since they really are not babies anymore) are so different that most of the time I really don't feel like I have twins just two babies (girls) really close in age... like 3 minutes. From the day they were born I thought they looked and acted so different. Only when I go out in public with them am I quickly reminded I HAVE TWINS because of all the comments I get and the stares I can feel. You know that feeling when you know someone is staring at you....
Just to go off on a tangent for a minute I ALWAYS get "God Bless You" and "Boy you sure do have your hands full." or "You sure must be busy." I mostly get that one when I take all four somewhere.
She is my climber, curious little girl. She has not said one word yet but has managed to climb onto almost everything in my house. Her latest feat is she will get to the top of my couch and then roll down to the cushions. She just thinks that is hilarious. She is always bringing me treasures throughout the house and if anyone leaves a shoe laying around she will bring it to its rightful owner. Afton enjoys things but I think I have only heard her laugh really hard about 3 or 4 times. It is amazing to watch her explore her world. Plus I absolutely adore here smile. She has 8 front teeth and 4 molars already in.
Anyone who has been around Lilly knows she has the funniest, cutest face expressions. She also REALLY likes to scream, hit and throw things. I am trying to figure out what to do about that. She sits or crawls and babbles all day long and really acts like she is saying full sentences. I can only understand when she says mama, dada, Hi dad, lizzie, grandpa, aloha, baby and I think that is all. She is a chatter girl. We can get Lilly to belly laugh so easily and it is the cutest thing. Lilly has 6 teeth total. I have also found out she does not like fruit snacks!!! What kind of kid does not like fruit snacks! :)
Lately they have started to interact with each other. In fact right now I can hear them laughing with each other from their cribs when they are supoosed to be taking a nap. They follow each other to the latest adventure. They will also share food and give each other toys. They also want whatever toy the other one has. I think Christmas gifts will have to consist of two of everything this year.
Here are some pictures from Lagoon to show their different personalities.
Lilly was mesmerized with the merry-go round
Afton on the other hand was pretty calm about everything but so curious about her animal :)
Also here we are just leaving Lagoon.....
..... And not more than 10 minutes later.
I will do a highlight on Ethan and Lizzie when they start school. :)