Thursday, November 10, 2011


In honor of Jim's 40th birthday here are 40 reasons why I think he is amazing. Most of these are from a blog post I did of him for his 37th birthday in 2008. Luckily they are all still true so I just had to add three more :)

1. He volunteers in Ethan and Lizzie's classroom. Not too many dads do that.
2. Went on a field trip with 25 first graders (in 2008 for Ethan) to Silver Lake
3. Takes Lizzie fishing just him and her.
4. Takes Ethan golfing with him and Uncle Tom
5. Was so patient and understanding during 15 weeks of bedrest
6. Brings me flowers after every priesthood session
7. Is one of the most unselfish people I know
8. Gives me backs tickles when I hardly give any in return
9. Gets so excited over shows like How It's Made and Dirtiest Jobs
10. Has such a strong love and testimony of the gospel
11. Loves nature!
12. Can fix just about anything
13. Invents new ways to fix just about anything :)
14. Is an amazing father to his 4 kids
15. Makes really good homemade Macaroni and Cheese
16. Makes cookies for his family almost every Sunday
17. Was so supportive of me when I was training for a half marathon (and marathon)
18. It brave enough to take 4 kids to the DI and a myriad of other places that I would not take all four.
19. Always makes time for me when I need to go have a girls night out with friends
20. Forgives me of all of my shortcomings
21. Still laughs at the word fart.
22. Has taught the kids to giggle at the word fart :)
23. He has a doctorate.
24. Doesn't complain too much about our usually messy house
25. Gets excited about something (composter, snow blower) and that is all he talks about and researches until he gets it.
26. Is not afraid to try new opportunities (is starting his own business- and still doing well)
27. Is so patient.
28. Is the medicine man for the kids when they are sick
29. Absolutely loves to take care of his garden
30. Respects his family
31. Asked me to marry him
32. Encouraged me to finish my schooling and would even have dinner ready for me to eat in the car while he drove me to ASU for my bachelors.
33. Babysat our new baby Ethan every Monday and Wednesday night when I was getting my Masters.
34. Knows medical terms when things come
up with our kids.
35. Goes to work every day to help support our family
36. Actually misses us when he is at work.
37. Actually takes pictures of himself with a big rooster on a merry go round :)
38. Wore his birthday crown the whole time for his 40th birthday party.
39. Fixes all technological problems that I break
40. Is Jim :)

1 comment:

the Kates said...

Happy 40th Jim! You really are a great guy! Here's to 40 more.