Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I still need to post about carving pumpkins, Jim's birthday festivities and some other things BUT every once in awhile I notice a moment where I am so grateful to be a parent. All the messes, meltdowns, etc. are worth it for those "moments". Last night was full of them.

- First of all we actually had a successful FHE. (Yahoo!) We cut out leaves and then wrote something we are grateful for on them and decorated them. Then we put them on a branches in a vase and now we have a "thankful tree". The kids thought it was awesome and I have a new table centerpiece. WIN, WIN.

- Lizzie lost a tooth and being the artsy girl that she is thought just a note and her tooth wasn't enough. Here is her note. Scroll down for the "Lizzie touch"
"Dear Tooth Fairy. I have lost 5 teeth now. I had this one for weeks and today I got it out!"

INSTEAD she built a whole rest area for her tooth fairy. If you notice there is a house, Littlest Pet Shop animals (as Lizzie put it- to keep her company), a note asking the tooth fairy to draw a picture of herself and write her name, and Lizzie even left some Reese's Pieces as a snack. :) I personally liked how she even set crayons out.

Here is Lizzie with her creation. You can see Ethan's hand in the background. He got into it too and starting setting up lego paths to a big lego creation as part of the "tooth fairy tour".

The tooth fairy left a note in very fancy, curly handwriting (which Lizzie got a kick out of) thanking them for such a great place to come to. I can't find the note. Lizzie has put it somewhere safe in her room and she is at school right now.

Needless to say the tooth fairy left more money than usual and even left Ethan some money for having such a great place to stop.

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