Friday, July 27, 2012


The new floor in the girls room is 99% done. We still need to put some molding around the edges but for now this is what we have. It is such a delightful difference from that awful carpet. Here are some pictures of the new floor and 3 girls sharing a room. This post is mostly for me to remember what their room looked like and what items they really liked to play with at this age.

View from their doorway. 
The desk is Lizzie's property.  Beware if you try to touch anything on her desk :)
  Her desk (or the kitchen counter) is where she can usually be
 found working on some craft project .

The dollhouse in the corner is one of the most used items in the room.  I love listening to Afton and Lilly play together with the dollhouse using their imagination.  Many times  Disney princesses and Littlest Pet Shop animals make their way over too.  
Bonus, points if you noticed it is a bi-racial family :)

Bookcase I moved over from Ethan's room.
  Lizzies books and Caldecott books are on the bookshelf.  Other ones are in the book basket on the floor.
  In case I forget each basket holds the few things our girls ALWAYS play with......
-Mr and Mrs. Potato Head (with accesories)
-My Little Ponies
-Princess figurines and Polly Pockets

Afton and Lilly showing off the bunkbeds. 
Lizzie has the top bunk and sometimes Afton and Lilly sleep together on the bottom one.  There is a trundle mattress we can pull out where Lilly can sleep when they are not in the mood to share. 
 They each have a Pillow Pet that they use every night. 
 Lizzie- Unicorn, Afton- Bubble Bee, Lilly- Ladybug

One of my attempts of trying to make sure they each have their own area of a shared room.  This is on the side of the desk.  Each girl has a shelf and box that they can put only their special "treasures" in. 

Afton, Lilly and their cousin Grey showing off how awesome their new floor looks. 
 By the way, all their dress up clothes are in the trunk.

Sadly,  their room is only this clean when I am trying to take pictures.  Most of the time it looks like a bomb went off :)

-Mine and Jim's room is next with Ethan's close behind on the to do list.


Emily said...

It's adorable! Nice job on finding the mix between beautiful and functional. I'm sure any little girl would love to have that bedroom!

valerie said...

You have inspired me...My girls room needs an overhaul and I am totally dreading it! I get extra points for noticing the biracial family. Although it might not count since I remember hearing the story and laugh every time I think about it! :)

David and Jana said...

Love the floor! Looks great.