Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spontaneous day of fun....

 On a very impulsive decison- like deciding Friday night at 8ish- we decided to take our kids to Lagoon the next day (Saturday). Our friends had some really good discount coupons which made it cheap (for Lagoon anyways.)

The only downside- the older Jim and I get, the more we are realizing "spinny" rides are not our favorites.  Roller coasters- heck yeah. :)

Anyways, here are some pictures from our fun day:

Most kids growing up in or near Utah probably have
a picture very similar to this :) Absolutely adorable!

Afton welcoming Lilly back from her drive
Ironic that Ethan is the youngest out of all three boys here yet a full head taller.

Majority of our group eyeing the approaching waterfall  on Rattlesnake Rapids.

Getting DRENCHED by waterfall

Closer look of the drenching :)

Love that the girls are getting tall enough to try out some of the "bigger" rides. 
 Here is Afton on The Bat.

Lilly (age 5) and Savannah (age 7)

Boys getting ready to go on The Rocket. 
You can see Colin leaning over to ask his dad when it is going to go. 
 I don't think he was able to finish his sentence before it took off :)

Jim taking some of the girls on the Tilt-A-Whirl.

We hadn't been to Lagoon since 2009. The weather on Saturday was absolutely perfect  (mid 70's) and since it was still pre-season it was the least crowded I have ever seen Lagoon. Plus we got to spend the day with some of our good friends and their kids.
  Yeah for spontaneous days of fun!



valerie said...

We LOVE Lagoon! We got season passes last year and had so much fun. Unfortunately I get severely motion sick on a lot of the rides. :/ Why do we have to get old??

Liz said...

1-Ethan is super tall...wow!
2-I feel old because I remember going to Lagoon with Jim because you were secretly pregnant. ;)
3-Yay for no crowds!