Saturday, June 8, 2013



And now these well used backpacks will rest for a season.....

School is now out for summer. 

This was a tough year for goodbyes.
 We have been so lucky with good teachers for our children.  
Ethan has had the same wonderful teacher for TWO YEARS in a row. That doesn't happen very often and for it to be with an awesome teacher was great.  Mr. Skorney was just what Ethan needed. Here is his class (of only 15 kids I might add) getting their certificates to move on to middle school.

Lizzie's teacher Ms. Mallett (who is my absolute favorite teacher ever) is moving to Arizona.  She also taught Ethan for 3rd grade so it was sad to say goodbye to her yesterday.

I also didn't want to say goodbye to the school year because the next time school starts again my oldest will be going to middle school and my babies to kindergarten. 
Tears coming...

That being said, I will enjoy the break from using an alarm clock, homework, trying to keep track of school items, etc.

 Instead we will enjoy swimming, swimming and more swimming with a few other fun activities in between :)

We celebrated the last day of school by me and the kids going up to Cottonwood Rec Center for some outdoor swimming.
Later that night a few of us from the neighborhood gathered for our annual
"End of School Smore Party"

Let summer fun begin....

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