Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No news is good news....

I am happy to report that the babies are still growing inside of me. I have absolutely no big news to report which is good.

As of tomorrow I will be 31 weeks. Yeah!! Of course that also means I have been on bedrest for 11 weeks now!! That is just insane. Today is one of those days where it is much harder to be cooped up inside. It is beautiful outside and I want to go for walks and play with my kids outside. It is much easier when it is cold and snowy outside to not be too jealous.

Next week will be the busy one. I am supposed to start my weekly non-stress tests. I am also supposed to go in for another ultrasound. I still need to schedule both of them. As much as I want to see our babies and how much they weigh I am scared going back there since they tried to admit me last time. My doctor says I can tell them just to check the babies and not me and that my doctor will do that. So that is a relief. Thus I have my 32 week appt. with my doctor next Thursday afternoon and that will be the beginning of weekly appt's and getting checked.
The end is in sight though. My doctors guess is that I will deliver between 32 and 34 weeks. I have been having a lot more contractions but just take terbutaline. I have graduated to the land of back pain and heartburn. I never had those when I was pregnant with Ethan and Lizzie.

So we just keep taking it day by day. Thank you everyone for your concern and thoughts. We will try to keep you up to date but if I am too slow please just bug me.

1 comment:

Jody said...

Let us know how we can help. Taylor wants to take your kids to the kids museum sometime.
Good Luck