Friday, February 15, 2008

ultrasound and lizzie updates.

Well yesterday was one of those crazy days medically for us. We are glad today is a new day.

In the morning I went in for an ultrasound. Babies look good and are doing great. Yesterday they weighed 2 lbs 11 oz. and 2 lbs. 1 oz. Fluid looked good too. Then they started checking my cervix and I was 80% effaced and starting to dialate. I wasn't even at a one yet but was starting to dialate. It's bad news when 2 doctors start whispering right in front of you. The Fetal Maternal medicine people were ready to admit me for at least a couple days to monitor me or keep me there on hospital bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy. They were even giving me a gown and everything. Well they called my doctor and he let me go home. I was so grateful!
I went and saw my doctor yesterday afternoon and he said just continue to take it easy. Knowing my history my body might be able to go a little longer. After all with Lizzie at 31 weeks I was dialated to a 3 and 90% effaced and with bedrest was able to keep her in for five more weeks. So as long as I continue to be good I can be home. I am 29 weeks right now.

As for Lizzie, Jim met with the urologist surgeon yesterday afternoon. She has yet another infection and are recommending surgery as soon as possible. They want to try a different procedure where it would just be outpatient. We are trying to figure out timing with possiblity of babies coming soon and then we will get it scheduled.

Like we don't have enough to worry and stress about right now, let's just add a surgery to everything :)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Life sounds SO boring...sorry to hear about Liz take 2.