Thursday, May 15, 2008

Full of gratitude

Do you ever have moments when you realize how grateful you are for the things in your life? Since the day we found out we were pregnant with these twins there have been so many things happening that I know we were totally watched over and blessed. So many things about the pregnancy and delivery of these babies was truly because of Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for my two little babies that have joined our family. We have four amazing children.

I have thought about how much our family sacrifices to add to our family. Our three girls were a result of 20 total weeks of bedrest!!!!!! Yet, here they are for us to take care of and love.

Here is yet another reason to be happy-Yesterday we got some wonderful news when Jim took Lizzie back up to Primary's for yet some more follow up tests for her procedure in March. Everything looked good and the reflux might finally be gone. We didn't even have to schedule ANY follow up appt. Not 6 months from now, not a year from now, not any! Jim and I could not stop smiling at that great news.

Despite medical bills coming every day (thank goodness for out of pocket maximums)
- life is good and I feel so blessed!!!!


valerie said...

What would we do without "out of pocket maximums"? I'm so glad you guys are doing so good. And I am so glad Lizzie is doing better. What a relief!!!

Jody said...

We all are pretty blessed.
Yea for Lizzie.

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

I'm glad to hear Lizzie is doing better!

Ruth said...

that is great news!!