Tuesday, May 27, 2008

life with twins

Well I have learned a few things since having twins- mostly how to answer certain questions :) I have been asked these questions a lot in the past little while.

Question 1? You must be exhausted and busy all the time?
Really who is not busy all the time? Yes, I have learned that I now have four kids to care to all day but it really is not to much different than the beautiful chaos I had before.

Question 2? Do you get any sleep at night?
My question back is- does any new mom get any sleep at night?

Question 3- Are you overwhelmed with twins?
I am grateful I have had two other kids because I kinda know what is expected with delivery, afterwords, taking care of babies, delegating and prioritizing. I am not the best at all of them but at least I have had a little practice. I think it would be a lot more overwhelming if these were my first babies.

Question 4- Do you nurse?
Yes, I do. I try to nurse them as much as I can. I DO NOT double nurse. That is just not me. I did try it once though. We take turns and I will feed one baby, put her down or in the swing and then feed the other baby. Luckily these babies are great eaters and I can change diapers, feed and burp both babies all within a half hour to 45 minutes. Otherwise when it is just a lot more convenient or if both are crying at the same time I use the great invention of formula.

This next one is always my favorite-
Question 5- Are you guys having more kids?
You be on bedrest for 15 weeks and tell me what answer you would have?
Actually after these babies were born I had a really strong calming feeling that our family is now complete (no I wasn't in any pain or on medications at this time :). We are 99.9% sure we are done which makes savoring every moment of Afton and Lilly's baby stage so much more precious. Waking up in the night and changing way too many diapers each day doesn't seem so bad.

I will post some pictures soon as soon as I can figure out how to do it on our new computer :)


Anonymous said...

I love how beautifully you are trying to enjoy every moment. And good for you for nursing! I bet they are already growing up so fast! Enjoy, I'm sure before you know it, they'll be stealing the car and kissing boys! I always need to remind myself to enjoy the tiny moments that make up life! Annie

Darci said...

You are AMAZING!

Melissa said...

I loved the questions. I remember getting asked a few of those. But you know, I am glad I had my twins first. I didn't know any different, but I think I would have been too stressed out, had I had older children. Isn't it amazing that Heavenly Father knows what we can handle? Anyway, can't wait to see you and the babes.

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

I had all of those questions running through my head. I can't imagine taking care of 1 let alone 2 babies and 2 toddlers! Maybe that is why I just have dogs...