Thursday, August 7, 2008

Let's watch it....

3 words you hate to hear from your pediatrician.

Today the babies had their 4 month check-up. Technically they are already 4 1/2 months. They are growing, growing, growing.

Afton weighs a whopping 12 lbs and 3 oz. while Lilly now weighs 11 lbs 3 oz.

Afton has an issue called torticollis. Her muscles on one side of her neck side are weak and she likes to kink her head to the side at odd angles in the swing, crib, etc. Our pediatrician reccomended we take her to a chiropractor to fix it. Isn't that funny. A little 4 month old to a chiropractor. We also need to do neck exercises and have her try to strenghten the muscles. Good thing we have a physical therapist in the house that can help out. Afton also has a little ridge on her head where the bones are together weird. We are going to watch it for a couple months and check it again at the 6 month appt. She can grow out of it. Worst case scenario if it is still there we might start talking about having to go up to have a procedure done up at Primary's where they go in with some laser thing and fix it. As you can tell I am not the best at medical descriptions. It would be at least an overnight stay though. We will cross our fingers. Jim's mom came and helped me at the appointment and it was so nice to have some extra hands.
Lilly is Ms. Smiley girl and will smile and baby talk at almost anything. She is also our kicker and kicks, kicks, and kicks, she is also learning to grab onto things.
Afton is learning to roll to her side and twice now has rolled onto her stomach. She also is grabbing onto things. She does a lot better on her stomach than Lilly and likes to sit in the Bumbo.

*In these pictures Lilly is in pink, Afton in purple and I am holding Lilly.


Ruth said...

It's hard to believe how big they are getting to be!!

Liz said...

They are getting nice and fat. Have them walking by September, eh? :)

katierose said...

ohmygoodness, those are some cute bebes! i love reading about all their updates. they develop so fast! i can't wait to see them at thanksgiving time!