Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Liz whisperer

You know how there are those shows- ghost whisperer and even more entertaining the dog whisperer. Well I am looking for a Liz whisperer.

Many of you know she has some eye issues. At the end of January we took her to an opthamologist rather than an optometrist (like we had been going to). The new doctor was really concerened about her left eye (major vision and lazy eye issues). We got a new prescription and new glasses and he wanted to see us again in 6 weeks. That was yesterday. Things have not gotten better so we are onto step 2- an eye patch. She has to wear it for 3 straight hours each day for at least the next year. They are in cool girl designs but still. We go back every 8 weeks for the next year or so to check her vision. So every 8 weeks Jim and I get to come up with around $250 that insurance won't cover but is being applied towards our isane deductible. Awesome! If things are not better in 6 months or so we starting talking about step 3- surgery. Even after surgery she would still have to wear the patch a little.

So any who know Liz- if she doesn't want to do something......... Yesterday did not go well with the eye patch. She did not even want to see Grandma H who is one of her favorite people. She even had some "special bread" for Lizzie. Today has gone much better. She wore it the whole 3 hours with only minimal (for Lizzie) complaining. Today I let her watch a kid show, read books to her, gave her computer time and bribed her with a crunch bar at the end. I need to figure out some more Liz whisperer tricks for these 3 hours each day

On another note-

Afton has learned how toilet paper rolls unwind, how to pull ziplock baggies out of their box, how to pull wipes out of the container and to take a bottle out of Lilly's mouth and then not so gently try to put it back in Lilly's mouth.


Darci said...

Oh that cute Lizzie! I sure hope that it all works out. Good luck :)

The Afton story made me laugh out loud. What a silly girl!

Stacey said...

Oh, I'm sorry about Liz--we'll put our thinking caps on. Afton is hysterical! What a funny little girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That sounds hard - it's hard to get a 5 year old to do something they don't want to do. I'd try finding out "why" she doesn't want to do it - is she embarrassed, does it bug her, etc. Then, I'd see how many things she can CHOOSE on her own. At our preschool, we have one class that has things labeled as "choices" and "have to's". The kids are responding to it really well. Maybe she could CHOOSE when she wears it, where she wears it, what she does when she wears it, the reward, etc. You could even turn it into a game of sorts, where she picks a popcicle stick out of a jar that gives her directions for that day (i.e. in the morning, watch t.v. in her room, stay up later, etc.) Then, it takes YOU out of it and doesn't become a power struggle. That way, every day would be a little different. Just some thoughts, they may or may not work - almost NOTHING works with my little guy but I've found that if I can figure out a way to not make it about me vs. him, it goes much better. Good luck!

valerie said...

I'm so sorry!! Boo to medical bills! It sounds like Clara and Afton will be great friends...they could really get into trouble in the bathroom together! =)

Liz said...

Poor Liz; I don't know how to help, but I'll be thinking. ps-I hate hate insurance, deductibles, and all things medical...except for Jim and Grandma H's job.

At least Afton is learning?? :)

the Kates said...

Cute, cute Lizzie! I HATE the eye patch!!!! CK is down to only 3o minutes a day- and it still is torture. You crack me up though- a Lizzie whisperer... I miss you!!!!