Sunday, September 13, 2009

Grey's River

Here are some pictures of our trip to Star Valley/ Grey's River. Jim came home about a week ago and said let's go next weekend for a long weekend..... so we went. We took way too many pictures but here are a few highlights

A familiar site if you grew up in Jim's family

Lizzie enjoying the river

I still can't believe I have these three beautiful girls.

I like to call this one - THE APPRENCTICE

The Fisherman

Ethan with his first fish he caught all by himself! I would like to add that he caught two right in a row!

Afton Wyoming meeting Afton Harrison

Yes, we did see this bear about 20 to 30 feet away from us. We were glad we were on the other side of the river.


Stacey said...

Wow--looks like a super fun trip! I love the picture of all the girls--so cute!

Liz said...

I am sufficiently jealous...and impressed you kept all three girls occupied while Jim conducted fish training; good job Ethan!

M. Harrison said...

I'm glad that you escaped unscathed by the bear incident! I tell you, TERRIFYING. When we went up camping over labor day, my family decided not to tell me before hand that there were 4 bears that had been roaming the road that my parents' property is on. The fish and game had caught 2 of them, but were trying to get the last two. Let's just say, I wanted to GO HOME, but we didn't end up having any encounters. I totally agree with Matt...Sharks of the land. :)

brifarnz said...

Love the APPRENTICE photo. When Jim taught me how to fly fish, all I caught was a bat. Fun time though.