Monday, May 10, 2010

A few of my favorite things

What gets me through the days of chaos, noise, mess, and absolute joy that four kids bring? And don't even get me started on the fact of the TWO two year olds. They are the cutest things but add a unique curveball to almost everything. Anyways, here are three of my current favorite materialistic items of joy....

1. Pink Funhouse CD-I really like this CD right now. My favorite songs on it are "So What", "Glitter in the Air" and "I Don't Believe You" This CD is usually on between the hours of 12:30 and 2:30 on Mon. Tues, and Wed.when the older kids are in school and the little girls are attempting to take their nap. It is the ONLY time in basically the whole week I can actually get anything done around the house. On Thursdays I watch a neighbors kids and Fridays are early out days.

2. Breyers Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with my homemade hot fudge sauce. Delicious. Usually eaten each night while watching #3 below.

*I could only find this picture but the vanilla bean is the best!

3. I LOVE THIS SHOW! We have been watching the seasons on DVD lately and will watch a couple episodes each night.

* Scroll down more for addeded posts of the "girls room" and Ethans baptism.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

We've just starting watching 30 rock on Netflix. So, so, funny!