I didn't know what picture to put on the blog to celebrate MY birthday. Then I came across this picture. I LOVE THIS PICTURE!
It was taken last fall when we went to Disneyland and the beach. That was such a fun perfect evening together. In this picture everyone was running on the beach in pure happiness. Our kids had never been to the beach before and absolutely loved this new experience. I can still hear their laughter and picture the smiles on their faces.
It reminds me that it is okay to get a little older because I truly enjoy my life (past and present) and am excited to enjoy the future. My days right now are crazy, busy, frusterating and amazing. I have a wonderful husband and four kids that teach me every day about life. All five of them teach me how to laugh, try new things, to continually work on patience, and most of all to have fun.
So another year has gone by... that's okay though right? I am starting to notice a few more lines on my face but have to keep telling myself they aren't wrinkles but laugh lines.... a sign that things have been enjoyed.