Tuesday, March 20, 2012


On March 25th 2008 we doubled our amount of kids in less than 3 minutes by welcoming
4 lb 14 ounce Afton
3 lb 9 ounce Lilly.


It has been a chaotic,amazing, loud and beautiful experience.
Each year as their birthday approaches I am reminded even more so of all the prayers and acts of service and kindess that happened in their behalf. They are truly here because of tender mercies from our Heavenly Father and the goodness of others.

Thank you! I am forever grateful!

Here is a current highlight on each almost 4 year old girl:

She is my never stops talking girl. Lately these are the things I hear ALL the time.

- What time is it mom?
- How do you spell ____________? (insert anything)
- What letters makes this sound _____________? (insert any grouping like th, sh, ch, etc.)
- What are we doing next? Then what? After that?
- Can I have some cereal in a bag? (Her latest snack of choice)

She also has an AMAZING memory and can recite songs like crazy or bring up little moments that happened a long time ago.


Afton doesn't talk a lot (and part of it is really she just can't get a word in edgewise with her sister). But she seriously is the cutest thing. Even though she doesn't talk as much and is a little harder to understand- her mind is ALWAYS working on trying to figure things out.

Fun bits about Afton

-When I ask how she wants her hair done.... "Just curly" Every day it is "just curly". She hates barrettes, bows, ponytails, braids, etc.
-Every night as I cook dinner she asks, "Me be your little chef?". She loves to help and please others. When I say yes she practically bounces over to get her cooking apron. When I say "not tonight" her face gets so sad!
- Loves pulleys, levers, buttons, things that turn, etc.
-Loves the color yellow and rarely goes anywhere without her yellow boots.
-Prefers to drink water over most any other kind of drink.


valerie said...

Happy Birthday Afton and Lily!! I can't believe it has been 4 years! Can't wait for our yearly visit in a few days! :)

Jody Neeley said...

Your girls are so adorable! Happy Birthday Lily and Afton!

Liz said...

Cute pictures! The recent DI visit aside, I can't believe how much Lily chats (I did look scary, right?) and what a cutie Afton is (only because she wasn't there). Happy birthday girls!