Thursday, December 19, 2013


How can it already be December 19th?  This month has gone by extremely fast. 
Tomorrow is the kid's last day until January 6th.  I LOVE having them home and not having to keep track of  homework, setting alarm clocks, getting kids to piano practice, dance practice, ice skating lessons, carpool, etc. We just get to hang out and relax and have fun. Yeah for Christmas Break!
 Here is a little glimpse of what we have been doing this month to fill our time.

Lizzie loved the fact that she found
 2 icicles stuck together to be her antlers.
Making a snowman with friends is always more fun.

Afton not quite sure if she is loving the cold :)

Lots and lots of baking has gone on in our house
. I have some little hands that are always eager to help.
 Being Lazy
Lucky really enjoys his spot under the Christmas tree

Celebrating Dec. 12th
How could we left 12/12 pass without a dozen doughnuts?
  The kids and I (and a neighbor girl) managed to eat a whole dozen in less than 5 minutes.
 Little bursts of happiness-
 I thought I would take the girls to a free concert at South Towne Mall when Cherie Call and Voice Male were singing.  They were not as interested in the concert as mom was.  We ended up kinda wandering around the mall instead.  On the way back to the car I told them they could ride the merry go round.  Serious jumps and squeals of happiness!!!
Happy Girl!
Cute Afton!
 Actual Voice Male concert
On Dec. 17th Jim and I took Ethan and Lizzie to go
see Voice Male at Thanksgiving Point. 
 It was a great concert.  It was fun to share with
Ethan and Lizzie something from our college days. 
Grocery Shopping with my little Christmas elves.
I usually go while these two are in kindergarten.
 On this day my morning got busy and I couldn't go until later.
  I forgot how much funner it is to go with company. 
AND how much more money I spend with these two with me :)
Adventure to Soda Springs, ID
Jim and Ethan spent a Saturday driving up to Soda Springs to get some physical therapy items.  A guy up there was selling his clinic and everything in it for a steal of a price.

Ethan in front of the Soda Spring
Gorgeous icicles from the mist of the spring.

Good dad/ son bonding time :)

Now we gear up for Holiday celebrations......
The kids are so excited that our Christmas countdown is only 6 days away!!!!

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