Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Almost there.....

I am officially 33 weeks today!!! Good stuff! Most know that I was in the hospital from Saturday morning to Monday morning and hated every moment of it. No offense to where my mother in law works :) I just knew the babies were not coming and did not want to be there.
I was having contractions that my terbutaline would not take away like it used to. So we went in. They gave me new medicine to stop the contractions, hooked me up to an IV and checked me. That's where we found out I am at a 5 and 90% effaced!!!!!!!!!! I think it also surprised the nurses but also guaranteed I would not be going home any time soon. My doctor came and thinks I have either gradually been getting to a 5 or have been there for a little while. Luckily I did not change the whole time I was at the hospital. Since my contractions stopped and I didn't progress that was good news. On Monday morning my doctor gave me the okay to go home. He said it is probably not the wisest decision to let a high risk pregnancy with twins at 32ish weeks, at a 5 and 90% effaced go home but he will still let me. I just have strict orders that if anything changes (contractions or water breaking) I have to get to the hospital as soon as possible because once it starts things will go very quickly (like my last two labors). He thinks I can last a little bit longer and will let me try to do them at home.
I know my days or hours are numbered but I am so glad to be home.


Becca said...

Good job, Lish! Hang in there...You will do great. I can't wait to hear how those babies are....

valerie said...

I knew you could make it to 33 weeks. Do I dare say...34 weeks?? Good Luck! I'm pulling for you and those girls!!