Sunday, March 23, 2008

Vegas odds

By some miracle I am still pregnant!!!! Anybody who put Vegas type odds on me should be raking in the dough :) I have managed to stay at a 5 and 90% effaced for over two weeks!!! As of today I am 34 weeks and 4 days. Even if the babies were born today they probably would not have to be in NICU for very long and we are getting so close to the time when they may not have to be in NICU at all. I am so grateful and a huge stress has been taken off Jim and I. We have worried so much about the health and safety of these babies and trying to not get them here too early- that it is awesome to know we have made it this far. I feel like jumping up and down to celebrate but know that wouldn't be the wisest decision :) We know we are not out of the woods yet but we are in a really good place twin gestation wise.
I do have an ultrasound on Tuesday morning and if Baby B is still measuring a lot smaller than Baby A then they will start talking about inducing me. Otherwise, we just keep going and try to get these babies as big and fat as we can.
Jim and I are so humbled and grateful because we know a lot of the reason we have been able to make it this far is through all of the prayers, thoughts and concerns of others. We have felt it and are so honored to have such great friends and family. Thank you.

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