Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The box

Our cute little babies are 5 and a half months old already!!!! The other day I actually had to go buy our first big box of diapers from Costco. To all of you that gave us diapers as presents. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! We had bought a few preemie diapers and while on bedrest my friend Heidi was my diaper shopper and spent about $40 for me. Otherwise up until now we had been using "gift diapers." But don't worry we have spent PLENTY of money on formula. I still nurse about half of the time but that still means we go through a lot of formula. At least $60-$80 a month on the powdered stuff. Plus within the past few days the babies have only wanted to nurse at 5 in the morning and 8 in the morning. Then they rebel the rest of the day and I give up and give them bottles. I am trying to figure out what to do about that because I really don't want to spend even more on formula. Now we get to add at least another $40 for diapers. Oh well it is preparing us for two payments of pre-school, sports, dance classes, school pictures, college, and on and on.....

Afton and Lilly are doing awesome. They love to roll over on their stomachs, reach for things (including hair) and eat their hands (and yours). Lizzie was the first one to get a real laugh out of Lilly and it was so cute. Lilly likes baby food so far and Afton not so much. Well actually Lilly likes squash. Today's peas did not go over as well. Afton really likes the exersaucer. I am trying to think of other exciting news they do but they do great just being cute and adorable.

*Lilly is in the pink and Afton is the one relaxing and chewing on her hand


Ruth said...

It's rather overwhelming to think how blessed we are to have them here with us, and doing so well!! Just think, soon they won't be able to fit in that box!!

valerie said...

So cute!!! Diapers are outrageously priced right now...Brian was wondering how soon before we could potty train Clara...she's only 1!!! I'm not going to complain any least one box lasts me longer than your one box!!