Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is Halloween

What is Halloween without some pictures of adorable kids :)

Afton and Lilly are making their Halloween debut as Thing 1 and Thing 2. It just make me smile to look at how cute they are.

Lizzie is an assortment of princesses. All through the month of October whenenver you would ask her what she was going to be for Halloween she would say "you will see." For pre-school she was a snow white princess, for the ward trunk or treat she was a purple dress princess, for Ethan's school parade a sleeping beauty princess. Who knows what princess she will be for actual trick or treating. Luckily she just pulls something out of her pile of dress up clothes so we are good.

Ethan of course is Indiana Jones. He looks awesome. What else really would he be? Indiana Jones is his obsession right now. It is ironic that Jim and I haven't let him see any of the movies but he still thinks Indy is so cool. He did see the Last Crusade with Grandpa Bob though. He absolutely loves his Indy legos and his Indy computer lego game. In his Indy bag he even has a golden idol. Hilarious!!!

There also is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa Harrison with the kids at our ward trunk or treat. Jim had to work late that night. I would not have survived the evening without their extra hands. Thank you so much!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I get asked a lot how many diapers we go through. Honestly I haven't counted because I know it would be more than I really want to know. Here are some fun facts though.

Diapers- It takes us 3-4 weeks to go through a big Costco box. I think the size 2 has 268 in a box so someone else can figure out the math :)
Formual- A big 24 oz can lasts us 5 to 6 days. Yes, 5 to 6 days!!!!! As of two weeks or so I stopped nursing (long and painful story) so they are solely on formula now.
Baby food- We go through about 2 to 4 jars a day.
Wash- I think I mentioned before about 12 loads a week.

Despite the being busy all the time life- these babies are so cute and I have not forgotten what precious souls they are and how grateful I am to everyone for the help in allowing them to be in our family.

The other question I get a lot is- how are they different.

They really are quite different

Afton- she is my grabber girl, she will grab anything and everything in your sight including your fingers, nose, chin, hair and Lizzie's glasses. She scoots a little right now to whatever she really wants to get. Afton absolutely loves baths and I think could stay in there for awhile. She loves to bounce and rough house with Jim. Afton looks a lot like Ethan did as a baby. Well except for in pink clothes. She has the lightest blue beautiful eyes.

Lilly- she is my smiley girl. She smiles at everything and it is the biggest hugest smile. Well that is unless it is bathtime. She absolutely hates baths and cries. She doesn't really move around yet but that is just fine with me. I actually think Lilly will have Jim's dark hair. Can you imagine that. One of our kids with dark hair. Wow!!! She also has Jim's eye shape. Her eyes are blue also but a little darker.

*I will work on getting that darn picture bigger but for now if you really want to see it you can just double click on it. I love it!!!! Lilly is the one showing off her tongue.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Double Tagged

I've Been Tagged (twice)

10 years ago I...
1. was just figuring the newness of a place called Phoenix, AZ
2. the only working person in our family
3. crying at least every day from homesickness
4. married for a whopping 3 months.
5. getting excited for trick or treaters only to have 10 come to our door on Halloween

5 Things on today's "to do" list...boring, I know
1. straighten up the house
2. help Ethan with homework
3. make chicken noodle soup for my sick kids
4. change lots and lots and diapers
5. maybe mop the kitchen floor (wow what an exciting day :)

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. Pay off Jim's student loans
2. Pay off Jim's student loans
3. Pay off Jim's student loans
4. Pay off Jim's student loans
5. Oh yeah, and some clothes for myself :)

5 places I have lived...
1. Kearns, Utah
2. Logan, Utah
3. Phoenix, AZ
4. Sugarhouse, Utah
5. Sandy, Utah

Next Tag

5 TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1 Hereos
2 The Office
3 American Idol (when it is on)
4 John and Kate plus 8 (if they can do it I totally can)
5 Arrested Development (I still laugh even though I have seen them a million times)

5 Things That Happened Yesterday:
1 visiting teacher interviews
2 made a nice dinner
3 fed babies babyfood
4 took a nap while the kids watched Cyberchase
5 ate Halloween candy that is supposed to be for trick or treaters

Favorite Places to Eat:
1 Red Butte Cafe
2 Noodles
3 Great Harvest (for turkey avacodo sandwich)
4 Target croissants (I know it is not a restaurant but I love those things)
5 Lone Star Steakhouse but only for their sweet potato yam thing

5 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1 bedtime
2 not having to pay pre-school for a few more years (once may comes)
3 a finished basement
4 clearance holiday candy
5 watching how excited the kids get for the simple things of Christmas (twinkly lights)

Wish List:
1 clothes
2 clothes
3 clothes
4 clothes
5 someone to clean my house once a week

5 People I Tag:
1 Liz
2 Ruth
3 Stacey
4 Darci
5 Katie Gardner

darn sophomore

Yesterday the new school district was announced on the news and in a meeting. The new district is called CANYON SCHOOL DISTRICT. Yes, if you remember right that is the name Jim submitted. Unfortunately for us a sophomore at Brighton High School submitted the name before Jim. This boy will be known as the one who named the school district :)
The kids were a little sad that dad did not win.
Still pretty cool that the name Jim thought of won and we have the print out of when Jim submitted his idea in.
Jim- you are still a winner to me, Ethan, Liz and two precious babies in so many other ways!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

another gem

As much as Lizzie drives me crazy she is such a little gem. We have patience testers at least 6 to 8 times a day and I know they will continue as this little personality of hers develops. I do know that she is my little Lizzie and really hilarious to be around. Today I made it a point to spend more time working with her. We did puzzles together, read for over an hour (which is one of her favorite things to do besides coloring). I made an effort to look at her every time she talked to me and I talked to her. I taught her how to do leaf rubbings which she thought was amazing. She loves any kind of craft, coloring and then scotch tape to hang all her pictures up with so leaf rubbings totally fit in that category. In fact, any time we do a craft she says I am the best mom ever :) Today before pre-school I painted her finger and toe nails (four different colors because she was choosing). When she got home I asked her if she showed her teachers her fingernails. She said "I forgot and I forgot to show them my toenails." I said "Well your socks and shoes covered up your toes." Lizzie's priceless reply- "Too bad it isn't a naked school so they could see my toes."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

mashed potatoes

The other day we were in the car with the kids and Ethan was describing to Lizzie how clouds are made of water and how it rains, etc. Very seriously Liz said they are not made of water but mashed potatoes. I couldn't help but laugh at that one.

holding their own

A couple of weeks ago Afton and Lilly figured out how to hold their own bottles. I wish I could say I now have more time in my day but no. My days are suddenly very busy. I spend my days taking care of kids, trying to win the ever constant cleaning war with my house, car pools for school, quality time with each kid, etc. Espcially evenings can be chaotic when the babies are a little more fussy, kid jobs to be done, homework to do with Ethan, dinner to make, attempts at a sit down family dinner, etc. Trying to do all this with four kids and Jim still at work makes for a busy evening. Did I mention at least 12 loads of wash a week?
Afton and Lilly are at a age where it seems they need more attention and entertainment than that preemie stage where they slept a majority of the day. Afton is the mover and never stays on her blanket anymore. She is learning to scoot and I have caught her doing an army type crawl. She reaches for anything in her sight. I know it is awful but a couple times I have purposely put toys that she was reaching for within her reach to discourage any attempts at crawling. I am terrrified of two mobile babies. I was not scared to have twins, to take care of two newborns and all that other good stuff but I am terrified of two mobile babies. Especially since I am not the greatest cleaner and I have two older kids who have some very small toys (those darn legos).
Afton and Lilly went in for their 6 month check-up yesterday. Afton weighs 13 lbs and 14 oz and Lilly weighs 13 lbs and 2 oz. Growing! Growing! And Growing!