Tuesday, January 20, 2009

where were you when...

the 44th president was sworn in? Today is an amazing day with tremendous historical significance. There are moments in anyone's life when you realize you are alive during an important part of history. Today is one of those days.
I remember other times when I knew something big had happened. I am young so the list is short :)
-fall of 1995: I was in one of the commons room at Salt Lake Community College watching the verdict of the OJ Simpson trial.
- fall of 1995: I instant messaged my friend Aric who was up at school at USU. What would most of us do without the internet or e-mails today.
-Summer of 1996- Swimming in a pool in San Diego when someone ran out of their room and told people over a balcony that Princess Diana had died
-September 2001- in Seattle with Jim and waking up to the news with accounts that have forever changed our nation.
Today- later today I will be watching the inaguaration on TV with my kids trying to explain the importance of this day and how they are so lucky to be able to see something like this.
As a girl with a Bachelors in History I couldnt' sleep much last night because I was so proud of where we have come as a people and nation. It is nice to tell my kids they and their friends really can grow up to be anything they want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post, it's amazing how we do remember exactly where we were when certain historical events took place.