Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Only because I am incredibly behind on our photo albums I will post a few things on here to help me remember until I can one day catch up. So this post is mostly for me :)

My cute little bear cubs (Afton and Lilly)are almost 2 1/2. Seriously where has the time gone. Here is a what they are up to at this age....

- feels the need to always shut doors, toilet lids, cupboards, etc. If she sees them open, they quickly become shut before she can concentrate on something else. Sometimes Jim and I will secretly open a door just because we know it will bug her until she gets it closed :)
- Is extremely shy around people she doesn't know well or hasn't warmed up to BUT when she is home she does NOT STOP TALKING. All day long she talks and talks, and talks, and talks.
- Picks the exact same book every night for her bedtime story. It is Toy Story 3 and it is a library book that I have renewed to its max.
- REALLY likes her chocolate milk right now and insists on having it every morning for breakfast with a straw. At some meals she won't even touch her food but drinks plenty of chocolate milk
-LOVES TV especially if Toy Story, Up, Tom and Jerry or Curious George is on
-Loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle, ABC's, (these first two she can sing all of them by herself) 5 little monkeys swinging in a tree and Princess Pat
-Will say a sentence over and over again until you repeat it back to her correctly. Unfortunately at this age it is hard to understand everything she says so it can take awhile on both ends of the conversation :)

- has the cutest smile in the world!
- is always up for giving hugs and kisses and will randomly throughout the day just say "Hi Mom." I love it! She also loves to cuddle
- Is extremely curious about everything and how things work or come apart.
- Is my sensitive girl and if she is doing something wrong all I have to say is "Afton" a little stern and her poor guilty face shows so much.
- Loves to eat and gets so excited when I say it is lunchtime or snack time. She has been known to actually starts giggling in excitement at the prospect of food.
-Has curly hair (although this picture doesn't do it justice) which I love but don't know what to do with except put a barrette in it every day.
-Loves to wear one of Lizzie's purple "princess dresses". She will even take her naps in it and wants to wear it at the table to eat but I say no to that one.

Next week we will highlight Ethan and Lizzie as they start school


Darci said...

Your girls are so darn cute! I love the stories...

M. Harrison said...

Fun post! It is just funny to see the two very different personalities that these girls have. They are cuties.

Stacey said...

We love these girls! So cute!

Liz said...

I love their swimmy suits! Dad referred to them as "the bear cubs" to me recently and it seemed to be so fitting. :)