Saturday, December 31, 2011


A few things that made 2011 even better

1. My new squeezebox. The name is a little questionable. Really squeezebox is what they came up with?
None the less, I love it!!! Pandora and all my computer music now plays in my kitchen.

2. My second item is Pandora. How was I so slow to get on this bandwagon? I found Pandora last March and have been hooked since. I especially like my Coldplay channel.

3. Oh dear. They sell this at Costco in two really big jars. Every night around 10:00 I have a big bowl of salad with this dressing. Yum!

4. I also found Kirkland brand grated Parmesan cheese that I put on my salad each night. Double delicious.

5. Although I am very far from being fashionable I do like this store for their stylish but affordable clothing. I saw them last Jan. on a trip to Vegas and am excited that there is one now 20 minutes away rather than 6 hours. Especially since they don't sell any clothes online.

6. I have absolutely no idea if it really helps out the wrinkles that are appearing faster than I would like to admit BUT it makes my skin feel so soft that it is worth it. :)

7. Love this show and thank goodness for Netflix and HULU.


Stacey said...

Sqeezebox huh? We must investigate. :) Looks very cool!

Jody Neeley said...

I love Pandora! I don't think I would be able to work out without it. As for the squeezebox, I haven't heard of it. I will have to look into it, sounds like an awesome thing to have.

Liz said...

Pandora makes my life better...probably so would eating salad each night. :)