Thursday, January 26, 2012


(self portrait taken on my birthday with phone
after realizing I don't have many pictures taken with just me :)

Here is how a birthday for a mother of four goes in our house-

7:00- Get up for the day. Shower and get ready before waking the kids up at 7:20 to start getting ready for school

8:15ish- after dropping of kids for school, come home to find a beautiful scarf on my porch that one of my friends made for me. The day was full of kind gestures from friends and family in candy being dropped off, phone calls made and facebook (which makes you feel so popular on your birthday).

10:45ish -
tell the two little girls home with you that mom wants to go out for a "birthday lunch"
-Daughter named Lilly throws a fit instead because she wants to "play with her dollhouse".
-Lilly then decides to scream and cry for the next 1/2 hour despite mom saying no crying on her birthday.

11:15-Mom puts a screaming/ crying girl in the car.

Once we get to Kneaders she is fine and I have a delightful lunch with my two little girls. By the way the turkey/ artichoke panini and snowflake sugar cookies.... DELICIOUS

Eat birthday cake that my mom delivered.

Help Ethan and his friend work on a science fair project. In case you were wondering a pink candle burns faster than a white, yellow, blue, light blue or purple candle that were all lit at the same time.

6:20- Take dinner to a friend that just had a beautiful baby boy.

6:30 to 8:00- Spend time with my kids while husband is scuba diving with Young Men.

read to the kids and put them to bed

Watch the Big Bang Theory on DVD while eating caramel popcorn. Yum!

Birthday Eve was celebrated by a family trip to Leatherby's. Ah, Traci's Peanut Butter Cup.... you are always delicious.

Family Birthday party will be this Saturday. Yeah for parties!


valerie said...

Ok, I love the idea that you took yourself out for birthday lunch...even with a screaming toddler. I am so going to do that this year for my birthday. And chances are one of my 4 children will be throwing a fit, and we will go anyways! Happy Birthday, again! :)

BobCo said...

How is it my little girl is 35 years old, it was just yesterday I helped her ride a bike.

Emily said...

Tell Jim I am mad at him for going scuba diving with the young men on your birthday :). I'm glad you had a fun day!!!

the Kates said...

Happy Birthday my beautiful friend! Hope it is a great year!

David and Jana said...

Are we really 35? How did this happen? Glad you had a good birthday.

Liz said...

Hope you had a great birthday and we can enjoy the wonders of H&M together soon!