Thursday, February 19, 2009

blessings of service

So today Jim and I went and helped out at the Draper Temple by being ushers. I was working with a guy in our stake that looked young (18-22ish). Well we were just chatting and he asked me what ward I went to. I told him and then he asked me if that was the singles ward. I took it as a compliment that he thought I looked young enough to belong to it. Either that or he thought I was cute enough to see if I was availabe. Either way-win win situation. And no- our singles ward isn't for those 30ish or older :)
Last time I volunteered at the temple someone else asked me if I was a sister missionary. Thank goodness for moisturizing cream.

Alas I loved the compliments.......


valerie said...

Well, you haven't changed a bit since college!! What a nice compliment...I would love someone to mistake me for 20 something!

Liz said...

It's kinda like when I flew by myself to visit you two in Phoenix...the flight attendant asked if I was 15 (I was sitting in an exit row). So it was such a compliment...except it was from a woman and I was 20 at the time. :)