Sunday, February 8, 2009

lack of cooperation

I have been trying for the past little while to get a picture of the babies in motion crawling together. I have the perfect picture in my mind of how I want their picture to go but they aren't cooperating for my shot. They are both crawling now. No army crawls but real crawling. It is hilarious to see them crawling side by side towards the same object. I feel like we should be placing bets on our own baby derby. They are also babbling like crazy which is so cute to hear. They both really like our front room mirrors and the other day Lilly kept trying to give herself kisses to the cute baby in the mirror.
On another funny note- the other day Lizzie had to go in time out. I was upstairs getting ready for the day and I could hear her downstairs singing "My Heavenly Father loves me....." while in time out.
In these pictures Ethan is almost 7 (April), Lizzie almost 5 (in 16 days) and the babies 10 months old.


valerie said...

Bless your heart! TWO crawling babies!! I can't even imagine! Cute pictures!

Liz said...

At least SOMEONE loves Lizzie...that cracks me up. Those pictures are great-esp the enormous smile from Lilly. :)

Jody Neeley said...

Such a cute family! I hope you can get you perfect crawling shot. It is hard enough to capture one baby doing it, let alone two! Good luck once the walking begins!

Stacey said...

Ah, Lizzie...there is something about that kid. :)
Love the pictures!

Annette Harrison said...

Art Linkletter used to have a TV show called "Kids Say the Darnest Things." (I know I am showing my age) Not only do they say the darnest things, they also say the most remarkable things. Write thme all down. Some day you will want to "hear" them again.

Darci said...

I actually laughed out loud about Lizzy. What a crack up! They make it so hard to discipline don't they :)