Sunday, February 1, 2009

January report

I am happy to report that Jim and I are still running. For the month of January we managed to work in 37 miles for me and 36 miles for Jim. He had one off running time and was done a mile early. We originally were supposed to run 43 miles for January but there is always room for adjustment. So far our longest runs have been five miles (just yesterday). It was a good run. Our Saturday runs will be our long runs and will start increasing more. I am so excited for the weather to get a little warmer so we can get outside. The half marathon is in about 12 weeks or so. It is on Ethan's birthday - April 18th.


Liz said...

That is great! I didn't realize it was in April, that's coming right up; I'm glad mine is in June! :)

Lorna said...

It is fun to hear you and Jim are training together. I am a little jealous of people talking about training for races this spring/summer. I will hopefully catch one in the fall after the babe is born in the summer. It is funny how addicting training/racing becomes. It's so fun to have a goal to work towards, one that is helping you physically as well as mentally! (I am 19 weeks and still running at least 2 days a week -mixed with aerobics on the other days- I'm not ready to give up running, nor does my doctor think I need too...hooray!)

It has been fun to read up on your blog...I should have been in bed an hour ago, but it was worth the updating! It sounds like things are going good! I'm so glad for you!

the Kates said...

you guys are awesome!