My life is on constant baby alert now.
Among their latest feats (besides crawling, standing against stuff, etc.) the babies have learned how to climb stairs!!!!!! Afton can get all the way up to the top and Lilly does about two and decides she is done. Soon enough she will be up at the top too.
So many people I have met with twins say the first year is the hardest. What kind of lies are they spreading? :) For me, the first year really hasn't been that bad. I am so scared of what this second year will bring. In the first year they are not too mobile, you can leave a room and know they s
tay stationary , they don't eat everything in sight and try to get into everything. It seems like from about this age to 2 years old you always have to keep A CONSTANT eye on kids. Trouble, trouble and trouble just at this house it is times two!!!! Of course when they make faces like Lilly did here how can you not help but love every moment with them!
Yes Alisha. I agree with you that the first year of twins was not that bad, because you feed them, put them to sleep and change diapers. My hardest time came at about 18 months when they started throwing tantrums and wanting to do things their way. And sorry to say, it doesn't get any better. (Atleast for me. They are so darn competitive) But luckily Norman came along and he is the sweetest boy and makes things all better. Good luck! They are darling.
Oh they are getting so BIG! I don't know how you do it. Hey, we're blessing Amelia on the 29th of this month if you're around. Also, can you let the Hadfield's know?? Thanks!
That picture is adorable!! I can't believe the first year has passed so quickly...for me anyways! =)
You have got your hands full- luckily they are sooooo cute!!! I think we need another hang out.... I don;t see you for 2 months and you have two TOTALLY different kiddos! When shall we play?
Savannah is constantly on the move and so I have a constant eye on her! I can't imagine it times two! They are so beautiful!
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