Thursday, March 6, 2008

we made it, we made it, la,la,la,la,la

Only because I have two little kids I decided to do the tune from Journey to Ernie from Sesame Street for our title :)

I am happy to announce that we have made it to 32 weeks. That is such a HUGE milestone for us and we are very excited to be here. We had an ultrasound and non-stress test this morning. Ultrasound showed that everything looks good. Babies are growing. Their guess is that baby A is right around 4 lbs and baby B is in the 3 lb range (I have already forgotten the exact weights they told me). We will still watch baby B closely. She needs to gain some more weight. Baby B has flipped and now both babies are head down which is awesome! Non-stress test went just fine also. It was great to have a day of good news.

In other exciting news Jim went to parent teacher conference today for Ethan and he is doing excellent in school. We are very proud of our kindergartner.


Bob C. said...

Hey Squirt,

Good to hear the babies are doing fine and growing, still you need to hold out a little longer. I am really looking forward to seeing my new granddaughters but I can wait if you can. The only problem I see when they arrive is who will I have lunch with on Fridays, I do so enjoy taking care of Ethan and Liz and our lunches and the play lands. Love you and please take care.

Love Dad

Lisa said...

Congrats! I'm glad things are going well for you. I remember all to well what you are going through. Take care and let me know when those little girls come!

valerie said...

Hooray!! You made it!! I'm looking to next week's update. You made it 32 weeks, what's one more...right? =)